Cerebral And Erb’s Palsy Malpractice Attorneys in NYC

When a doctor, obstetrician or other medical professional fails to monitor the health and wellness of mother and child during delivery and fails to recognize fetal distress, serious brain and nerve damage can occur in an infant. The two conditions associated with this form of negligence are Cerebral Palsy and Erb’s Palsy.

At The Cochran Firm New York, we understand the full scope of physical, mental and financial challenges these two conditions will present you and your child. Our law firm have helped families navigate the emotional and legal struggle of a medical malpractice claim. We know what needs to be done to ensure you recover maximum compensation for your child’s present and future medical needs.

What Are Cerebral and Erb’s Palsy?

Cerebral and Erb’s Palsy are birth injuries caused by medical negligence and result in lifelong physical disability. While Cerebral Palsy occurs when a fetus’s brain is deprived of oxygen during pregnancy or delivery, Erb’s Palsy occurs when an infant suffers damage to a specific area on the baby’s neck.

Babies born with Cerebral Palsy typically have difficulty with body movement, muscle coordination and other issues involving muscle control. Babies born with Erb’s Palsy also experience movement issues in their fingers, hands and arms because of damage to their nerves.

Our Experienced Birth Injury Lawyers Can Help

When a birth injury leaves your child physically disabled for the rest of his or her life, you need someone on your side who will fight to get you and your family the full and fair compensation you deserve. Whether we settle your case outside of court or through a jury trial, you can rest assured knowing that the compassionate attorneys at The Cochran Firm NY have you and your child’s best interests at heart.

In addition to helping you file a medical malpractice claim, we can also guide you through the process of enrolling in New York’s Medical Indemnity Fund, which was specifically established to provide funding to children who have suffered neurological injuries during birth.

Speak with a NYC lawyer – Schedule an appointment today!

You deserve to work with a law firm who will hold doctors and health care providers accountable for negligence and misconduct. Contact the NYC law office of The Cochran Firm New York to schedule a free initial consultation.

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